Hi there! I'm Mo, the webmaster and admin for this fansite! Maybe you know me, maybe you don't! I'm active on other sites and run in the Habzin circles, maybe we've run into each other! Either way, I'd like to thank you for dropping by the site, and thank you again for bothering to come to this page! If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to keep reading and visit my personal site!
About Me
I'm formerly from the middle of nowhere, Arizona. Currently, I live in Canada with my partner and our two cats, Birch and Bramble! I'm a polytheist and practicing witch, with a strong lean into divination. I currently do Tarot readings, and I'm trying to learn palmistry! My dream one day is to learn how to scry using a crystal ball.
Name: Mo Birthday:March 19th Age: 30 Favorite Hazbin Characters: Arackniss, Charlie, Emily, Velvette
Why Charlie?
Charlie is a character that I find myself relating to heavily! I've always been very fond of the bubbly ladies who do their best to help others, despite their own problems or the ire they may earn. She's not perfect, but she comes from a good place, and her love for her people and her friends is her strength, rather than a weakness. I really look forward to seeing her grow as a person and a leader, and watching her interact with anyone in the cast is a true delight. I love Charlie! Why wouldn't I want to express it?
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